- 1 can weightwatchers chicken noodle soup - 50 (you should really try this - it yummy and 50 cals for whole can)
- 1 Slice of bread with little bit butter - 134
- Tea - 64
So that is 248 so far - which leaves me with 402 for the rest of the day.
My bedroom should keep my occupied for a while - seriously its awful. I put my life in my hands everytime I come in here. And I am quickly running out of clean clothes so I really think I should do it: uh I'm just so lazy!
Rachel x
Hee hee, Sorry for ANOTHER comment, I'm just going through the day's blogs, and I know how you feel about your room. I tidy up two days ago and had FIVE LOADS OF WASHING. Big loads. I didn't know I owned that many clothes! It needs yet another tidy and I'm going to the cinema tonight with J. Bad bad crack.