6.20pm and 199 calories. I feel good about today. 2 cups of tea (64) juice (1) and one hot chocolate (70). I am going to get other cup of tea soon I think.
I got a good bit of my room done today, I bleared my music and just got stuck in. I have to clean the house by saturday night so that will keep me going. It's strange I hate the thought of cleaning, but once I start I love it.
I thought I might cave a little while ago, so I brushed my teeth and put on some yummy raspberry lip butter, from Marks and Spencer. Its so good, it really works. Who wants to eat with a mouth that tastes like toothpaste? And I don't want to wreak my lips.
Hope everyones having a good day, I will update before I go to bed to let you know how the rest of my day went.
I love you all, thank you for the comments, they mean more to me than you will ever know.
Year end
1 year ago
Awesome! congratulations :D